Welcome to


Hoofbeat Farm

Equine Assisted Therapy

“Horses carry the wisdom of healing in their hearts and offer it to any humans who possess the humility to listen” Unknown 

What is Equine Assisted Therapy?

Equine Assisted therapy is a form of Animal Assisted Therapy that offers an experiential approach to counselling and mental health.

Clients of all ages are supported in addressing their therapeutic goals with the assistance of horses as co-facilitators and teachers in this process.

In this work, clients are offered safe experiences with horses and ponies with the intention of building self-awareness, exploring self-experience, experience in relationship and awareness of habits/patterns that no longer serve the client. 

Meet Michelle

“My horses have always been an incredible source of healing and wisdom in my life. They have helped me through many challenges and it is an honour to now work along side them to help others. “

Meet the Herd

Since moving to this property in 2013, we have rescued and rehabilitated many members of our herd. Each of our 12 equine friends are so unique in character and presence. It is beautiful to witness the joy, the playfulness and the contentment of our horses and ponies.

It is our mission to provide our therapy herd with a safe and natural environment that prioritises their health and wellbeing, so that they may support our clients.

Two ponies standing in a paddock of green grass. The pony in the foreground (Matty) is a rich chestnut brown with a white blaze. The pony in the background (Astro Boy) is white.

“It has been my privilege in recent years to spend time with Michelle and her ponies. This arose through my personal experience and through observing Michelle’s work with vulnerable young people.

Working with Michelle and her ponies these young people gained confidence, became more aware of their emotions and developed trust in themselves and others.

This personal growth occurs in the context of forming relationships with the ponies. It is evident that engagement in equine therapy is a healing experience that encompasses all aspects of our human experience.”

Celia Coates

Clinical Psychologist